Life has taught and has led a lot of people to decisions they regret but they already find themselves in and it has become hard turning back. Recent economic hardship, pressure from both families and friends, all that you can think of makes us think deeply and make hasty and bad decisions concerning money just to make ourselves and people around us comfortable.
Sometimes I ask if we really need to go through all these hardship.
Graduates with a lot of certificates to show but with no form of employment, artisans with no facilities and opportunities to work with, so we ask ourselves, what is the use of education nowadays?
It has to be someone you know to get you an offer or you “sell” yourself to get to the stage you want to see yourself, this is so sad, very sad. Surprisingly, people no longer have issues with gaining riches this way, but are these ways morally right?
Does it please our maker? Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto us including the jobs we seek, the wealth, the child birth, the marriage, anything that comes to mind .
Let us keep our gaze on God and keep trusting Him, He is more than able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think. Ephesians 3:20. God help us