Medical Outreach

There are several communities in Ghana which face many challenges in offering quality eye care to its people. The situation is predominant in rural settings, mainly due to poverty and lack of qualified personnel. Lutheran Media Ministry in collaboration with its partners offer free eye screening to people in the indigent communities. We Provides free eye care, medication and glasses Reaches out to the people through our counseling sessions and sharing of God’s of word. Since its inception, the Ministry has reached out to the people of Frami and Abrafo in the Central Region, Daboase and Aboaze-Abuesi in the Western Region, Nyamekrom in the Eastern Region, Mafi Adidome in the Volta Region and Yaw-Pare in the Bono East Region. Through this free eye screening, the Ministry has reached out to over four thousand (4,000) people with free glasses and medication.

Manso Atwere Receive Free Eye Screening

Registration desk

The light of the body

The eye is the lamp of your body. Not only is it a beautiful organ that completes our faces but its function is wonderful as important. The eye collects light in the visible world and converts it into nerve impulses. The optic nerve transmits these signals to the brain, which forms an image so thereby providing sight. More than any of our other four senses, the sense of sight given by the human eye allows us to learn more about the surrounding world. The eye allows us to see and interpret the shapes, colors, and dimensions of objects around us by processing the light they reflect or emit.

Interestingly, Jesus said that the eye is the lamp of the body. This does not just strike a physical significance but a spiritual one as well and He continued by saying; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness (Luke 11:34). Without the eye you cannot see and without sight, it becomes difficult to interpret the world accurately. For most of us, the quote “seeing is believing” stands true, and what if we lose that sight?

Visual acuity
Visual acuity

Why we do what we do

Spreading the Gospel of Christ. As Christians, our core mission is service to others and what better message is there than helping others in need through the love of Christ even as we share the saving grace of Christ? The Lutheran Media Ministry as part of its holistic ministry visits rural communities within Ghana, where most people face impoverished living conditions and find the accessibility to medical facilities a challenge.

The Lutheran Media Ministry visited Manso Atwere in the Ashanti region with its Holistic Medical Outreach to give the townspeople free Eye Screening, medication and glasses. The Eye Screening began on the 21st to 23rd of September, 2022 at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church at Manso Atwere, where 551 people had their eyes checked by an optometrist and 410 people received glasses and medication.

Optometrist screening patient’s eye

Shining light on others

Many people expressed their gratitude and donated to the Ministry. On the second day of the Eye Screening, a woman came back to thank the team for the wonderful work and to give her testimony about the medication and glasses she received on the first day.

Amoateng Rebecca is a 60 years old widow who lives in Manso Atwere with her family. She moved to Manso Atwere with her husband from Manso Bosiasu. She told the team about how her eyes teared persistently and blurred her vision. Therefore, when her daughter told her about the Lutheran Media Ministry’s Free Eye Screening, she rushed to the church because she had no money to go all the way to Kumasi to check her eyes. The first day she applied the medication prescribed by the optometrist the tearing stopped and with the glasses she could see clearly. She joyously told the team about how she could now read her bible and expressed her gratitude.

Rebecca can see now and with that, her whole life is illuminated with joy and gladness because she can read the bible which introduces us clearly to the true light.

Rebecca Amoateng and her family with LMM volunteer