All in one, one in all
Who condemns you?
After listening to Job’s complains, Eliphaz Job’s supposed friend replied; “Is it because you are so pious that He accuses you and brings judgement against you?” (Job 22: 4). Such comforting words from a dear friend when you are in utter pain and distress, right? Of course, he continues his verdict by answering his own question; “No, it is because of your wickedness! There is no limit to your sins.” (Job 22: 5)
Eliphaz was there to console his friend in a hopeless situation. He was there to empathize with Job. Instead, what did he do? We often find ourselves in the position of Eliphaz, where we have to deal with a complaining friend in distress. Do we assume their situation is a result of their sin or do we offer loving words of hope? Christ exemplifies what our response should be many times in scripture, a typical scene from John 8: 1-20 paints the perfect picture.
“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
A woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus. Her accusers stated that her punishment was to be stoning to death according to the law of Moses… the Judge of all Judges looked to the guilty woman and asked, did no one condemn you? No, she replied. Then He said, neither do I. go and sin no more. Jesus should have cast the first stone. How strikingly easy it is for us to point out the flaws and evil in others, forgetting that we equally have sin hidden in our hearts.
We’ve all heard the story of Job, the blameless man of complete integrity who feared God and stayed away from evil. According to the bible, he was, in fact, the richest person in the entire area where he lived. In a heavenly gathering, God boasted of the righteousness of Job to Satan, which ended up allowing the devil to tempt and basically make Job miserable with God’s permission. Job complained a lot. He lost everything, was stricken with disease and he did not understand what was happening to him. Like Job all of us have seasons of darkness looming over us and it does not mean we are guilty but when we go through troubles or people we know go through hardships, do we remember, that God does not condemn us? God gives us a promise of being by our side. “For I know the plans I have for you, … to give you a future and hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). Men present interpretations based on sight but God works on insight. He sees our heart and He sustain everything.
Eliphaz had no authority. The adulterous woman’s accusers did not even qualify. It is God who justifies. Today, have hope and share this hope with those around you.