Luke 1:36-38
“And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.” And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
It comforts me to see how God puts us together in hard times. Here is Mary, about to face the trial of her life—young, unmarried, and pregnant. She has a fiancé to tell, parents to deal with, a village to face. What to do? What to do first? God knows.
And so He has Gabriel tell her about Elizabeth her relative, who has also been blessed with a miracle pregnancy and could really use some help right about now! What a great idea, to go and visit her, right?
God is kind. He sees Mary’s needs before she sees them herself, and He provides for them—through Elizabeth.
Sometimes just the fact that someone is “there” for you is the best gift of all, beyond anything they can do for you. Maybe that’s why God Himself came into our world as a human baby—as Jesus, our Savior? Whatever He might have done from heaven on high, He did infinitely better for our hearts when He came close to us in that manger—on the roads of Galilee—on that cross at Jerusalem—greeting His people, alive again. As He suffered and died and rose for our sakes, He kept us close to Him all the way.
We Pray:
Thank You, Lord, for pulling us close to You.
Reflection Questions:
* Do you prefer to suffer alone or with others nearby?
* Tell about a time when someone else’s presence was a comfort to you.
* How is God with you in dark times?
Written by Dr. Kari Vo.
Today’s Bible in a Year Reading:
Zechariah 1-4; 3 John