The Man Who Will Be King

21 April 2023

Series: Devotion

The Man Who Will Be King

“The Man Who Will Be King”
1 Peter 1:13
Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

This devotion pairs with this weekend’s Lutheran Hour sermon, which can be found at

At 2:20 a.m., the alarm went off. It was time for Lieutenant William Wales and his fellow crew members to go to work with their local helicopter search and rescue unit. Lt. Wales was the co-pilot. The pilot was a Lieutenant Thomas Bunn, call sign “Sticky.” They just happened to be the pilots scheduled for alert in those early morning hours when the mayday call came in. And so, Lt. Wales and Lt. “Sticky” Bunn got up and got to work. After that rescue operation, Lt. Wales would go on to upgrade from co-pilot to pilot, to be in command of the rescue work. Lt. Wales served with this unit for three years in total. Now, he’s moved on to a different job, and goes by the call sign, “The Prince of Wales.”

Why was the future King of England serving as a helicopter pilot? He was there for action, anticipation, and preparation. From the time William was a boy, a team of royal advisors, including his father, planned the posts and positions that would prepare him for his future role, taking into account not only what would be expected of him, but also his own interests and gifts. William’s royal team planned these preparatory experiences for him in anticipation of the day he would be coronated king. But first, he just needed to do the job in front of him—to take action, for preparation, in anticipation.

This is the character of life for every follower of the crucified and risen Jesus Christ. Action, preparation, and anticipation are themes of Christian life found in the letter of 1 Peter. God inspired this letter to rouse us, like rescue crew members on alert, for action. Peter’s letter is brimming with anticipation for the public coronation of Jesus, the King of kings. And he reminds us that we have been adopted into God’s royal family, baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus, to share in His inheritance, prepared to reign alongside our King.

Like Prince William, you prepare, not by sitting idly in a palace, waiting to be crowned. You are prepared through action, through mundane, self-giving vocations. This preparation is not to decide if you’re worthy to reign with Jesus. No, that’s already been decided. You are already chosen, in Baptism, through faith, for rebirth in God’s royal family. This preparation isn’t to disqualify you. It’s to train you and transform you. You have a team in heaven preparing you for your role. In love, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, served by angels and archangels and all the company of heaven, are planning your posts and positions, incorporating your God-given gifts and talents, preparing you to reign with your King. So now, it’s time to get up and get to work.

We Pray:
Holy Spirit, please give me what I need today to act, to prepare, and to anticipate the coronation of Jesus, my King.

By Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, Speaker of The Lutheran Hour.

Reflection Questions:

1. Think of a time you were being prepared for an important role. Consider writing your memories of this in a journal or sharing them with someone who would be blessed to hear them.
2. Was there a time you were being prepared, but didn’t realize it at the time?
3. What is one small service you will do this day that anticipates reigning with Jesus forever?

Today’s Bible in a Year Reading:
Judges 19-21; Luke 16