Speaker: Rev. John Shadrack Donkoh
11 April 2020
Series: Devotion, Messages of Hope
Speaker: Rev. John Shadrack Donkoh
Matthew and Mark records Jesus saying “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” followed by a great cry in Luke ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!’
10 April 2020
Series: Messages of Hope, Sermon
Speaker: Rev. John Shadrack Donkoh
The night He was betrayed; Jesus served a meal that transcends our day to day reality, receiving this meal, we declare unity with angels, archangels,
5 April 2020
Series: Messages of Hope, Sermon, Sermon Archives
Speaker: Rev. John Shadrack Donkoh
Topic: Triumphal entry of Jesus
Jesus did not have an army – just a bunch of ordinary people who would desert him five days later. The people who shouted “Hosanna and blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matt 21:9) would cry out “crucify him” five days later (Matt 27:22). The man who was decorated as “king of Israel” would be brutally crucified in five days. So, why is it called a “triumphal entry?”