Speaker: Rev. Dr. Nicholas Salifu
28 February 2021
Series: Sermon, Sermon Archives
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Nicholas Salifu
In the darkness of sin and its death, we cry to You, O Lord. Open our ears by Your Word, our minds by Your Spirit, and our hearts by Your grace, that we may know and be thankful for all the blessings You have given to us in Christ, our Lord, especially the gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation. Strengthen us in faith, that we may serve You with all our body, mind, soul and strength. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.
9 April 2020
Series: Sermon Archives, Stations on the Cross
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Nicholas Salifu
Topic: I am thirsty
Jesus hanging on the cross made seven different statements. Only one of those statements dealt with his physical suffering “I am thirsty” read for the others.